Workplace Wellness Seminars

Online presentation options for all employees:
- 60 minute nutrition and lifestyle-focused webinars. Topics listed below.
- Time allotted for Q&A
- Accompanying handouts or participant slide deck copies included
- All sessions use company's preferred and provided meeting platform
- All sessions include information handouts for all participants
Effective January 2023-in-person seminars within GTA available upon request
available topics:
- Ten Healthy Habits
Sustained energy and healthy weight are achievable by adopting 10 simple habits. Katie outlines what it takes to make positive and lasting changes for eating well, feeling great in your body, and never having to give up the foods you love!
- Plant-Based Fundamentals
Plants are still in power! Health Canada revised the national food guide to emphasize eating less meat, more veg, and a variety of less common plant-based foods. Join Katie for easy tips and tricks on shopping, meal planning and preparing simple meals that feature a few more plants for feeling a whole lot better.
- Mindfully Nourished
Food, mood, and stress are all connected and can influence how we feel in all aspects of daily living. Join Katie as she outlines the health benefits of foods that can help stabilize mood, enhance mental health, and manage stress, while providing tips for practicing mindfulness when it comes to eating, breathing, and thinking positively.
- Blood Sugar Basics
Steady as you go! What exactly does it mean to manage blood sugar? Is eating carbs even good for us? Why do we experience energy crashes? Katie will address these questions (and more!) throughout this informative session for better understanding how blood sugar, steady energy and making wise food choices affect everything we do, every single day.
- Home or Away, Eat Well Every Day
Life continues to be a real balancing act. Whether working at home or heading out to the office, eating well can be challenging when there is so much confusing information out there! Join Katie for a relaxed and informative session outlining stress-free dietary strategies and simple recipes for following a healthy eating plan from wherever you spend most of your days.
- Winter Wellness
Warmth, comfort, and a little mood boosting are what we all crave when it gets cold outside. Join Katie as she outlines how to support health and happiness throughout the winter season with a focus on warming foods and daily lifestyle habits for nourishing both mind and body.
- Meal Planning 101: Ready, Set, Eat!
We are all so busy! Planning healthy meals and finding time to cook after a long day can feel overwhelming. Join Katie for a motivating session to help you get organized in the kitchen, make mealtime much more approachable (and way less stressful) and prove that you can stay on track with healthy eating goals...even when life is hectic!
pricing *NEW* on-site availability effective Oct 1st, 2022*
- 60 minute webinar - $525 (up to 20 participants, + $150 for each additional 10)
- 60 minute on-site seminar -$675* (up to 20 participants, + $150 for each additional 10)
*Additional travel costs applied if outside GTA
All pricing subject to HST
Don't eat anything your great-grandmother

-Michael Pollan